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Strategy Schedules Overview

Last updated February 10, 2024

Strategy Schedules are a way of automatically scheduling the running of your Stories to perform automated tasks.  Trading successfully requires a lot of repetitive tasks that you can automate by running your Stories on a programmed schedule.

Example: You might want to ensure that all of your open positions are closed prior to the end of the week (to avoid holding trades over the weekend).  Not only is this often a good idea, but it is also the requirement of most Prop firms.  You can write a Story to do the closing of trades, and schedule the running of this near the close of market on friday evenings.

Example: You wish to proactively avoid having any trades open during high impact economic events.  Automated traders often forget about this and find it hard to avoid it.  You can write a story to check for high impact news, have it run on an hourly schedule and automatically close all positions, and pause strategies for the next hour.

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