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Help CenterStoriesData ItemsData Item:Get News Events List

Data Item:Get News Events List

Last updated February 10, 2024

Get a list of economic news events, filtered by impact levels, timing, currencies, countries and keywords.

Click on any of the items to add timings, impact levels, currencies, and countries in the settings toolbox.

This returns an array of Economic News Events:

 { event },
 { event },
 { event },
 { event },

The shape of each Economic News Event is as follows:

 "event_date":  "string | DateTime",
 "country": "string | US,EU,FR...",
 "event":  "string | Event Title",
 "currency":  "string | USD",
 "previous":  numeric (previous value),
 "estimate":  numeric (estimated value),
 "actual":  numeric (actual value),
 "change":  numeric (actual change from previous),
 "impact":  "string | enum, high, medium, low",
 "change_percentage": numeric (percent change)

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